Information age has turned information to be a precious resource. And thus any organization which wishes to compete be it a private company or public corporation the question of Information security must be given priority. Such wake for information security has taken pace in Tanzania. This paper tries to highlight that wake in Tanzania.
The initiative for information security in Tanzania can historically be linked with the 1970s incidence, where in 1970s there was a plan to computerize the whole Tanzania- Government accounting system using the computer model ICL 1900 which was located at the Ministry of Finance headquarter in Dar es salaam. The project terribly failed and has scrapped after a heavy loss. For two consecutive years the government could not tell how much money it had spent or collected as revenue.[1]
As a response to that in 1974 the law was passed to ban importation of computers and related equipments after suffering heavy financial losses.
Though later in 1980s the computer importation was allowed in the country under the scrutiny of the Advisory Committee which had a duty to grant import licences.[2]
With the coming of mobile phones and internet, ICT application in Tanzania got many clients. And the concern of about information security was and yet is more alarming.
There are hackers, malicious programs like computer viruses, worms, just to mention a few.
Attackers are assumed to have various levels of expertise, resources, and motivation. Attackers can either be insiders or outsiders. Relevant expertise may be in general semiconductor technology, software engineering, hacker techniques, or the specific system. Resources may range from personal computers and inexpensive card reading/coding devices to very expensive and sophisticated engineering test, measurement devices, and replica of Company vending devices. They may also include software routines, some of which are readily available on the Internet. Motivation may include economic reward, resentment, or notoriety of defeating high-grade security. [3]Given sufficient time and expertise, any particular company vending application software can be compromised.
Threat to Security
The PP is required to counter threats that may be broadly categorized as:
- Threats addressed by the system:
- Threats associated with physical attack on the system
- Threats associated with logical attack on the system
- Threats associated with control of access
- Threats associated with unanticipated interactions
- Threats regarding the security module
- Threats that monitor informational[4]